
Episode: 41—Force Matters Mailbag: Unpacking Insights, Load Response, and Trusting Patient Relationships

In this week's mailbag episode, Jonathan Eng, DPT, CSCS, and Matt Walsh, Physiotherapist, expertly review last week's episode, delving into the valuable insights it offered and providing guidance on how to apply these insights in your own practice. They also engage in a thoughtful discussion about the critical significance of load response rate in procedural exertion and the importance of fostering a trusting patient relationship, all while considering the factors of expected attrition.

Join the conversation! Share your thoughts on load response rate, patient relationships, and the latest insights discussed in this episode. We want to hear from you. Drop your comments below, and don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast to stay updated on the latest in physical therapy and movement science practices and procedures. Plus, share this episode with your colleagues and friends so we can all learn and grow together. Together, we can make a positive impact on patient care. Tune in now and let's continue to explore why Force Matters.


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