
Episode 17: How to unlock the secret power of your hamstrings: Revolutionary insights on returning to running and transforming patient care with Jason Tuori

In this week's episode of the Motusi Force Matters Podcast, host Jon Eng and Jaydee Romick delve into the world of optimizing patient care with guest Jason Tuori. As a sports physical therapist, Jason specializes in helping patients get back to their favorite sports and activities after injury. In this engaging conversation, he shares his insights on how to assess and improve hamstring capacity using nordic boards, a powerful tool for testing and rehabilitating injured athletes. Jason also discusses the key hallmarks of safely returning to running after an injury and shares his practical tips for providing the best possible care to patients eager to get back to play. Whether you're a healthcare professional, an athlete, or simply someone interested in learning more about injury prevention and recovery, this episode is not to be missed. Tune in now to discover the secrets of optimizing patient care from one of the leading experts in the field!


Episode 18: Force Matters Mail Bag: Overcoming the Biggest Barrier in Physical Therapy Today


Episode 15: Revolutionizing Physical Therapy: A Conversation with Remote-Based Rehab Practitioner Zachary Gabor