
Episode 04: Matt Walsh, PT, On How To Be Meaningful To Your Patients

Matt Walsh, an Australian-trained physical therapist specializing in running-related pain and performance, and a member of the Motion Science Team, is interviewed by Jon Eng and Jaydee Romick. In this episode, Matt discusses the why and how to “measure what matters,” and how to make your work meaningful to your patients. He calls it “narrative cohesion,” which is how he connects and communicates with patients. And don’t miss the discussion with the Motion Science Team about the future of PT and the ever-present debate of time vs. profitability. The Team looks at the Primary Care clinic model and how that system could be applied to the Physical Therapy clinic model to help solve, or at least alleviate, seeing enough patients to be profitable and still maintain some work/life balance. We hope this episode gives you some ideas to chew on and apply to your work. And as always, please subscribe, share and comment. We love hearing from you.


Episode 05: Why the Practice of PT Needs a Disrupter in the Industry


Episode 03: Motion Science Team speaks with Ryan Baugus and Erik Jernstrom